Lithuanian Fellowship Information
European Committee Country Representative – [email protected]
Local Website:
Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families Literature in Lithuanian language
We all know how important for every adult child is to connect with oneself and there's no better way to connect than to connect in one's native language.
Many volunteers from Lithuanian fellowship, WSO volunteers and WSO staff contributed to making translated Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families literature possible. To get a translated book please use the buttons below.
ACA Literature is also available on Apple eBooks
Lithuanian BRB- Lithuanian BRB
Suaugę vaikai. Alkoholizmo paveiktos / disfunkcinės šeimos
SAV Didžioji knyga
Apple ID: 6446379305
Lithuanian YWB- Lithuanian BRB
Suaugusių vaikų Dvylika žingsnių - SAV žingsnių darbo knyga
Apple ID: 6526492239