European Committee Information

(UKThe European Committee works to unify and carry the message to the fellowships of the European countries according to our traditions and concepts. The European Committee (EC) functions as a group of trusted servants elected by its members. The officers carry out the jobs and goals set by the European Committee. The EC is a standing committee of the World Service Organization of Adult Children of Alcoholics (WSO).

Contacting the committee.

Here you can find information about who to contact regarding webupdates, service, outreach, literature, meeting info, service sponsorship etc. Please use the form on the right to direct questions to trusted servants as described below.

Updating IG page or adding an event or news item.
Fill in the form if you have a local open ACA event, an English meeting to post under the country section, new email-addresses for trusted servants in your local fellowship, or other relevant information for the European ACA fellowship and website.

To register and update local meetings in general, please visit the global meeting list of ACA WSO:

If you are working on or planning translation of ACA literature, please read the following ACA WSO-guidelines first:
If you have further questions regarding literature use the form on the right.

If you want to do service at the European level, please join the monthly teleconference call or contact us using the form.

Monthly European Committee Teleconference (ECTC), open to all:
Our Monthly teleconference is hosted on Zoom the first Saturday of the month at 14:00 (2pm) CET (GMT+1)

For items to be included on the agenda of the monthly European Committee Teleconference (ECTC), please contact our Chair or Vice-Chair as currently we have no secretary.

The European Committee consists of the following members:

Chair: Edmundas (Lithuania) [email protected]
Vice-chair:  Vacant service position [email protected]
Treasurer: Vacant service position [email protected]
Secretary: Fredrik (Sweden) [email protected]
Webmaster: Marcin (UK) [email protected]

Literature Chair: Vacant service postition

WSO Board liaison: To be decided

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