
Irish Fellowship Information

Contact email: [email protected]


Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families Literature in English language

We all know how important for every adult child is to connect with oneself and there's no better way to connect than to connect in one's native language.
Many volunteers from English speaking fellowship, WSO volunteers and WSO staff contributed to creating Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families literature possible. To get a book please use the buttons below.

ACA Literature is also available on Apple eBooks

English BRB- Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families
Big Red Book
Apple ID: 6443000980

English YWB- Twelve Steps of Adult Children
Steps Workbook
Apple ID: 6443014284

English SMR- Strengthening My Recovery
Daily Meditations and Affirmations for Adult Children
Apple ID: 6443014590

English LLWB- The Laundry Lists Workbook
Healing and Integrating Our Harmful Personality Traits
Apple ID: 6444091726

English LPG- The Loving Parent Guidebook
The Solution is to Become Your Own Loving Parent
Apple ID 6443001063

English Booklet- Newcomer
This booklet introduces the newcomer to ACA
Apple ID: 6444423200

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