Czech Republic

European Committee Country Representative (English/Cesky):

ACA Meetings

In English:

Fridays, 12:30 – 13:30, Na Porici 16, Prague 1, Czech Republic

Directions: If main double doors on the street are closed ring the ”AA” buzzer and wait for the door to open. Then walk straight to the courtyard and enter the main building. If those doors are closed ring the ”AA” buzzer again. When you enter the building go downstairs. Our meeting room is the first door on the right downstairs.

Jeffrey F.
[email protected]
Mobile: +420 732 374 191


In Czech:

Sundays, 19:00-20:00, Klimentska 18, Prague 1, Czech Republic

Directions:  Press on Kancelar Farni Corps


Sundays, 20:00-21:00, Online Meeting



Fellowship History

ACA meetings in the Czech Republic began in the early 1990s. The first meeting was said to be held in the church near Jiriho z Podebrad. Meetings were eventually moved to Na Porici, perhaps because that is where AA also holds their meetings (in a basement space they rent).  When the fellowship first started, there was only one English language meeting that was well attended, usually by 8 people or more, who were mainly American expats. But as American expats began to leave Prague, the meeting began to dwindle to just a handful of people each week. Around this time, the meeting made its first contact with the WSO and registered. We received some materials for starting a meeting, but this was before the Big Red Book even existed.

One of the last members to leave was Wendy S. She entrusted the treasury and keys to Jeffrey F. For a number of years Jeffrey kept the Friday meeting open for anyone who might show up. Eventually, Antonio R. started attending the Friday meeting. He and Jeffrey F. often kept the meeting going by themselves.

On 30 May 2014, Antonio R. gave the Prague meeting its first Big Red Book and changes started to happen. Other new members also encouraged outreach to grow the meeting, and prodded by one of the then local members, Larry, Jeffrey F. created its first banner to hang on the door of the meeting back in December 2014.

The Friday meeting grew slowly and working members requested an evening alternative. It was suggested that another English meeting could be started on Wednesdays. Roderick and Ivana helped launch and keep the Wednesday meeting going, and many newcomers have come to ACA because of this meeting as well.

On October 16th, 2016 the English ACA fellowship in the Czech Republic held their first mini workshop on the Laundry List at KDM in Prague.  It was attended by 8 people.  It was also the first occasion for the English speaking meetings to have a fellowship dinner with the Czech/Slovak Skype meeting which meets in person a couple of times per to do workshops and retreats. After the fellowship dinner a Czech/Slovak meeting was held, attended by Jeffrey F.

The English language meetings got their first tri-folds and displays (image) in early June 2017 that has also helped attract new members to the group.

The English language meetings hold their business meeting on the first Friday of each month to review matters from the previous months.

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